07 February 2010

Astaga.com Lifestyle On The Net

Not wanting to be lengthy, perhaps if I was asked like that, then the technical side I would say that the account I commented often banned accounts primarily related to comments that have been banned. Usually, if we say and put the link in the comments and the link is considered to be incompatible with the topic given by the owner of the website we will dibanned account. For example, we put a link with anchor text astaga.com lifestyle on the net to strengthen our Lifestyle pages while the topics covered on Linux, this is what causes banned account.

Experience contest astaga.com lifestyle on the net this seo, the question arises for master that Why he use connections in cafes? And they do have money, try to see them often dech win seo contest with prizes of tens of millions of rupiah and thousands of dollars, but why are they still not buying notebooks and use their own networks and even we often get information from several masters that they use the internet cafe connection?

One of the disadvantages but we banned account, IP address we will also be the alias block if we create a new account lagipun we will not be able to use the same computer with the same IP address. This is the reason why the master was using the connection warnet to optimize astaga.com lifestyle on the net.Other reasons may have bought goods others ... maybe Banned Reason for Master Using internet cafe.


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